
In today’s LA Times, David G. Savage has this article on the federal court decision in the Wisconsin Right to Life v. FEC case, overturning a key segment of the campaign finance law that prohibited issue advertisements paid for by corporations, unions, and special interest groups. The New York Times has this report on the ruling, which sets the stage for the Supreme Court to reconsider the McCain-Feingold Act of 2002 and Carol D. Leonnig has this article in the Washington Post.

Rick Hasen of Election Law Blog has his thoughts on the Wisconsin Right to Life v. FEC decision in this post. Additional reactions can be found here from Bob Bauer at the Campaign Finance Law Guide; in this post from Brad Smith at the Center for Competitive Politics; and in this statement from J. Gerald Hebert, Campaign Legal Center Director of Litigation.

In addition, on Wednesday, Howard Bashman of How Appealing filed this cert petition on grandparent visitation rights along with the University of Virginia Supreme Court Litigation Clinic.

Posted in: Everything Else