Morning Round-Up

In yesterday’s New York Times, Adam Liptak had this article called “Brown v. Board of Education, Second Round.”

In today’s Legal Times, Tony Mauro also discusses the school cases here (via How Appealing).

At the Huffington Post, Walter C. Uhler has this review of a new book called How Race is Made: Slavery, Segregation, and the Senses, by Mark M. Smith, which discusses, among other things, Plessy, Brown, and the recent school integration cases.

Today’s Wall Street Journal’s editorial page discusses Bell Atlantic v. Twombly and the state of antitrust jurisprudence here.

Earlier in the Wall Street Journal, Randy Barnett had this op-ed about judicial restraint, especially as it pertains to abortion cases at the Supreme Court. At the Volokh Conspiracy, he asked for comments about the piece here.

Finally, in a post here, the ACSBlog summed up much of last week’s commentary from around the web about the state of the Court’s docket.

Posted in: Everything Else