on Nov 27, 2006 at 6:20 pm
Workplace Prof Blog has some early thoughts on today’s argument in Ledbetter here.
That post mentions an article at FindLaw by Joanna Grossman and Deborah Brake about the same case which can be found here (an earlier installment of their column that is also about Ledbetter can be found here).
At the Election Law Blog, Rick Hasen highlights two election law-related cert. petitions here.
Joseph Brunner of the University of Cincinnati will have this comment in a forthcoming issue of that school’s law review about the voluntary school integration cases that will be argued next week.
Howard Bashman of How Appealing links to three news articles about today’s orders here.
Finally, Todd Zywicki, in this post on the Volokh Conspiracy, mentions an AEI program about Watters v. Wachovia, which will be argued on Wednesday, 11/29. The program will likely be on C-SPAN tomorrow at 2 PM eastern.