on Nov 6, 2006 at 5:43 pm
Thoughts on the abortion cases to be argued on Wednesday are here from the ACSblog, here from Mark Sherman of the AP, here from Clarke Forsythe of the National Review, and here from the L.A. Times’s editorial page (last two via How Appealing).
Michael Dorf of has an article at Findlaw about the recent per curiam election law opinion in Purcell v. Gonzales here (also via How Appealing).
Charles Lane of the Washington Post had this article in the Washington Post about the Supreme Court’s increasing involvement in the area of patent law, and the Supreme Court Times has just posted its case summary (and a prediction) in one of these patent cases, KSR v. Teleflex, here.
The AP has this article about Justice O’Connor’s continuing thoughts in her fight against what she believes is an assault on the judiciary.
Finally, Tony Mauro of has this story up about the performance of a recent first-time Supreme Court advocate.