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[Update] Scott Nelson has a post here at the new Consumer Law and Policy Blog discussing the cases granted dealing with the FCPA

Here is an AP wire story regarding the cert. grant in the credit reporting cases.

Here is the AP wire story about the grant in Schriro v. Landrigan, the Arizona death penalty case.

An AP story by Mark Sherman about the grants in the labor union fees cases can be read here.

The grant in the Duenas-Alvarez case about deportion is briefly discussed here.

In news not related to today’s grants, Tony Mauro discusses the decision by Justice Alito and the Chief Justice to join the cert. pool.

The ACSBlog continues its Supreme Court preview series with this post about the global warming case, Mass. v. EPA.

Jeff Rosen has this piece in the New York Times Magazine about the upcoming school diversity cases.

Doug Berman at Sentencing Law and Policy considers good post-Booker vehicles for the Supreme Court here.

Finally, today marks twenty years since Antonin Scalia has been on the bench as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Michael Dimino wishes him a happy anniversary here, at PrawfsBlawg.