
First up, Georgetown Professor Neal Katyal, who argued for Hamdan in front of the Supreme Court, has an op-ed at Slate arguing that we ought to use courts-martial to try detainees. His article is here.

At Prawfsblog, a debate has been taking place over the proper role of stare decisis and exactly who is bound by precedent. This post, by Russell Convey, is a good entry point.

Justice Kennedy spoke at a judicial conference on Monday and lamented the status of sentencing guidelines; an article about his speech can be found here.

Finally, as part of our ongoing but sporadic feature highlighting proposed bills that are unlikely to become law, here is a story from the Courthouse News Service reporting that, “Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul has submitted a bill that would strip the U.S. Supreme Court of power to review the constitutionality of state laws that affect religion, privacy, sexual practices, sexual orientation, marriage or reproduction.” To read the nobly-titled “We the People” Act (otherwise known as H. R. 5739) in its entirety, click here.

Posted in: Everything Else