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This New York Times story details the new White House bill that proposes a system to try detainees at Guantanamo. Jack Balkin, in a post here, notes that the new system is “largely based on the model the Supreme Court struck down in Hamdan.”

At Crime and Consequences, Kent Scheidegger has a post (here) detailing three Supreme Court amicus briefs that the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation has filed in the last month or so.

Elizabeth Price Foley has an op-ed in Jurist claiming that the recent veto by President Bush of a bill expanding stem cell research is “antithetical to the rulings of the US Supreme Court.” Her thoughts can be found here.

Ilya Somin, in a post here at the Volokh Conspiracy, details a recent decision by the Ohio Supreme Court which appears to contradict certain aspects of the US Supreme Court’s decision in Kelo.

Finally, for a bit of late afternoon legal humor, you’ll want to check out the video (on YouTube) of Neal Katyal on the Colbert Report. Since Colbert (or, rather, his Comedy Central persona) strongly disagrees with the decision in Hamdan, Katyal is faced with such questions as, “Why do hate our troops?” and “When did you first realize that you hated our country?” To watch the interview, click here.