
The Washington Post has a story here discussing the future of Bobby Glen Wilcher, the man to whom the Supreme Court recently offered a stay of execution; the Court will deal with the case early in its next term.

ACSBlog has a post entitled, “On President Bush’s Signing Statements.” The entry, which can be found here, deals with their constitutionality in light of the 1998 Supreme Court case addressing the line-item veto, Clinton v. New York.

Yale Law’s Akhil Reed Amar has piece up at Slate (here) which details how Dick Cheney can use First Amendment protection to avoid liability in the Plame investigation. Amar essentially advises Cheney not to try the same tactic as Richard Nixon did in the 1982 case Nixon v. Fitzgerald.

At Crime and Consequences, Kent Scheidegger recaps a new, comprehensive study of the role of race in death penalty cases. The entry can be read here, and it may be of interest to those who wanted more about this in the wake of Kansas v. Marsh.

Back at Balkinization, Marty Lederman has this post with more on the shifting positions of the government in the wake of Hamdan.

Finally, you can listen to Dahlia Lithwick’s NPR analysis of the current judicial response to the wave of same-sex marriage cases here.

Posted in: Everything Else