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Today’s News

Mara McDermott, a summer associate at Akin Gump, has this round-up of recent Supreme Court news:

Lianne Hart had this article in the L.A. Times on the Supreme Court and the death penalty for a mentally ill Texas man.

More coverage of last week’s decision in Hudson v. Michigan:
David G. Savage had this article in the L.A. Times;
The Washington Post had this editorial;
The N.Y. Times had a series of Letters to the Editor on the decision; and
The Chicago Tribune had this editorial.

Coverage of Texas v. Leavitt, in which the Court on Monday rejected an effort by states to temporarily block part of the Medicare prescription drug plan:
The USA Today has this article;
The Associated Press (in the Chicago Tribune) has this article;
CNN has this article;
CBS News has this story; and
Fox News has this piece.

A group of prominent U.K. Parliamentarians wrote this June 18, 2006 letter urging the President to end the use of military commissions. And a group of U.N. human rights experts has this press release calling on the Supreme Court to rule in favor of Hamdan.

Kenneth Jost has this article in CQ Weekly on the recent successes of John Roberts as Chief Justice.

U.S. News and World Report has this article on the use of foreign and international law in U.S. Courts and the role of Christians in international human rights.

Coverage of the Court’s opinion in Davis/Hammon:
Joan Biskupic of USA Today had this article regarding the use of testimonial evidence after the Court’s ruling;
David G. Savage of the L.A. Times has this article;
Charles Lane has this article in the Washington Post; and
Linda Greenhouse has this article in The New York Times.

Coverage of the Court’s decision in Rapanos:
Gina Holland has this article in the Chicago Tribune; has this article;
Nina Totenberg had this story for NPR;
Yahoo had this news story;
David G. Savage of the L.A. Times had this article;
Charlie Savage in the Boston Globe had this article;
John Flesher of the Associated Press had this article in the Boston Globe;
The New York Time had this editorial entitled “Clean Water at Risk”; had this article noting the various interpretations of the ruling by members of the press; and
Charles Lane had this article in the Washington Post.

Coverage of the Court’s opinion in Samson: had this article.

Coverage of the Court’s grant of cert. in another partial birth abortion case: had this article;
Linda Greenhouse had this article;
Amy Goldstein in the Washington Post has this article; and
The Chicago Tribune has this article about the Court adding the case to its docket.

E.J. Dionne Jr. has this piece in the Washington Post on the style and approach of Chief Justice Roberts.

Bloomberg News has this article on the Court asking the Bush administration for guidance on antitrust suits.

Google News has this article on the Court’s decision to hear an appeal in a mortgage-lending case.