News Round-Up
on Jun 28, 2006 at 2:56 pm
Akin Gump summer associate Adrienne Dedjinou has this round-up of recent news:
Coverage of the Court’s cert. grant in Massachusetts v. EPA: had this article;
David G. Savage of the L.A.Times had this article;
Tony Mauro of has this article; and
The N.Y. Times had this news story. has this article on the Supreme Court’s denial of cert. in Milne v. Slesinger, the Pooh/Disney copyright case.
Coverage of the Court’s cert. grant in KSR International v. Teleflex: has this article.
Coverage of the Court’s decision in Kansas v. Marsh:
Joan Biskupic of had this story; and
Stephen Henderson wrote this article discussing the Supreme Court’s decision in Kansas v. Marsh.
Coverage of the Court’s refusal to hear FTC v. Schering-Plough Corp.:
Andrew Bridges for had this article.
Yahoo had this story about the Supreme Court’s decision to hear Bell Atlantic v. Twombly, the telecom antitrust case.
Coverage of the Court’s decision in the Vermont campaign finance cases: had this article;
Charles Lane of the Washington Post had this news story;
Charlie Savage of the Boston Globe had this article;
Nina Totenberg had this story for NPR; and
Peter Overby of NPR had this story.
Coverage of Gonzalez-Lopez, in which the Court endorsed a defendant’s right to counsel of choice:
Tony Mauro of had this article; and
Linda Greenhouse of the N.Y. Times had this article.