Blog Round-Up

Akin Gump summer associate Malachi Alston has this round-up of recent postings in the blogosphere:

A typo (Election Law, Reid Cox) was noticed in Justice Kennedy’s concurrence in Randall v. Sorrell.

Election Law has this update on the recent order by the three-judge court inviting parties to submit remedial proposals for the Voting Rights Act violation
in the Texas
case (here).

Mark Moller has this commentary on what the Court decided in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, and more importantly what it didn’t
(Cato @ Liberty).  Orin Kerr has
these thoughts.  Here are some
observations from Georgetown University Law Center faculty such as Mark Tushnet and Neal Katyal (GULC
Faculty Blog).  David Rivkin has this Op
Ed (Registration Required) piece on the case in the Wall Street Journal.  The ACSBlog has posts by Zoe Salzman and Aziz Huq.  Balkinization has posts from Jack Balkin, Marty Lederman,
and Mark Graber.  Concurring Opinions has
posts by Dave Hoffman and Eric
Muller.  Norm Pattis has some words on Crime &

The ACS hosted the “2006 Supreme Court Review”
(streaming video)Thursday, June 29. 


Posted in: Everything Else