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Blog Round-Up – Wednesday, February 1st

Here is the President’s statement on Justice Alito being confirmed by the Senate and here is a snapshot (figuratively, not literally) of the composition of the new Roberts Court, both courtesy of the Washington Post.

Here is the Election Law Blog on the failed Alito filibuster and Wonkette on the reasons why Kerry may have been pushing for it.

Here is the Volokh Conspiracy and PrawfsBlawg on Hamdan and the Court’s jurisdiction.

Here is the Volokh Conspiracy and the Washington Post on the Justices’ (new and old) responses to the State of the Union.

Here is Sentencing Law & Policy with a “SCOTUS lethal injection litigation update.”

Here is PrawfsBlawg with a post on whether or not Justice Alito should have attended last night’s SOTU.