Blog Update
on Nov 2, 2005 at 9:47 pm
In nomination news:
Kent Scheidegger has written this post for the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation on Alito, O’Connor, and the Rompilla case.
Underneath Their Robes has this article on Judge Alito’s sister, a fellow lawyer.
Slate has this article on Alito’s “secret pinko past.” Slate also has this article posting that Justice Scalia is more liberal than Judge Alito.
PrawfsBlawg has a series of posts on Alito and abortion. The most recent one can be found here.
Sentencing Law & Policy has a second post on Judge Alito as prosecutor.
The Volokh Conspiracy has this post titled “Roberts & Alito: The Triumph of Roosevelt Over Madison?” and this follow-up discussing Madison & Marshall on McCulloch v. Maryland.
Tony Mauro has this article in the Legal Times on “The Secrets of Jay Sekulow.” Sekulow is the chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, an organization founded by conservative religious broadcaster Pat Robertson in 1990.
Roll Call has this article arguing that Judge Alito doesn’t show Congress enough deference.
ACSBlog has this round-up of Alito nomination news.
Think Progress has this post on Bush’s consultation process for the Alito nomination.
BlackProf has this post on Alito and civil rights.
Here are the results from a recent Gallup Poll on Alito.