Blog Round-Up – Sunday November 20th
on Nov 20, 2005 at 10:35 am
ACSBlog has this post on this article by Dahlia Lithwich accusing conservatives of shying away from a candid discussion about Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito’s position on abortion.
In next week’s issue of The New Republic, Jeffrey Rosen has a piece called “Answer Key: Decoding Samuel Alito Jr.” PrawfsBlawg comments here.
The Legal Theory Bookworm recommends Sandra Day O’Connor : How the First Woman on the Supreme Court Became Its Most Influential Justice by Joan Biskupic.
On Balkinization Mark Graber has this post on advice to Thurgood Marshall and Brian Tamanaha has this post on “The Assumption that Judging On the Supreme Court (and Elsewhere) is Politics”
Here the Volokh Conspiracy has compiled links to several articles on the Soloman Amendment case.
BlackProf has this update on Alito and civil rights.