Blog Round-Up – Friday, November 4th
on Nov 4, 2005 at 7:31 pm
In nomination news:
Think Progress has this post on Judge Alito’s opinion which would have required a woman to notify her husband before having an abortion.
PrawfsBlawg has this post commenting on Judge Alito’s student note.
The National Seniors Law Center has released this statement on titled, “Alito Record Raises Serious Concerns for Seniors.”
The Volokh Conspiracy has this post on what one of Alito’s former professor remembers of him.
In non-nomination news:
PrawfsBlawg has this post titled, “Circuit Justice Roberts’s Eleven-and-a-Half-Day Gap.” The post asks whether Chief Justice Roberts accidentally created grounds for reopening (and even rearguing) Banner v. United States.
Milt Bearden, who worked in the C.I.A.’s Directorate of Operations for three decades has this op-ed in the NY Times urging the Court to grant cert in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld.
Underneath Their Robes has this post on a speech Justice Ginsburg gave earlier this month at the West Virginia University College of Law.