
on Oct 19, 2005 at 1:56 pm
We’d like to take a moment to congratulate our past and present students and summer associates on the terrific clerkships that they have lined up for next year (and, in some cases, the following year):
James Darrow (Stanford 2006): Judge John Gleeson (E.D.N.Y.)
Anisha Dasgupta (Yale 2006): Judge Louis Pollak (E.D. Pa.) & Judge Jose Cabranes (CA2 2007-08)
Brian Fletcher (Harvard 2006): Judge Merrick Garland (CADC)
Nat Garrett (Stanford 2006): Judge Raymond Fisher (CA9)
Daniel Goldman (Stanford 2005): Judge Robert Sack (CA2)
Jeffrey Harris (Harvard 2006): Judge David Sentelle (CADC)
Allon Kedem (Yale 2005): Judge Pierre Leval (CA2)
Rachel Kovner (Stanford 2006): Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson (CA4)
Alex Lees (Stanford 2006): Judge Louis Kaplan (S.D.N.Y.)
Julia Lipez (Stanford 2006): Judge Diana Motz (CA4)
Anton Metlitsky (Harvard 2005): Judge Merrick Garland (CADC)
Mike Mongan (Stanford 2006): Judge Merrick Garland (CADC)
Lee Reeves (Stanford 2005): Judge Samuel Alito (CA3)
Greg Reilly (Harvard 2006): Judge Timothy Dyk (CAFC)
Stephen Shackelford (Harvard 2005): Justice Stephen Breyer
Darien Shanske (Stanford 2006): Judge Pierre Leval (CA2 2007-08)
Neel Sukhatme (Harvard 2005): Judge Ann Williams (CA7)
Jason Tarricone (Stanford 2006): Judge Sidney Thomas (CA9)
Eric Tuttle (Stanford 2006): Judge Pamela Rymer (CA9)