Blog Round-up – Wednesday, September 7th

Paul Sracic, associate professor of political science at Youngstown State University has this op-ed in USA Today arguing that, unlike questions about specific cases, inquiries about a nominee’s views on stare decisis do not undermine the legitimacy of courts as neutral third parties to cases; rather, such questions may actually enhance people’s respect for the third branch of government, as they become better informed about how courts operate.

The GPO has made available this website with transcripts of Supreme Court Nomination Hearings since 1971.

The First Amendment Center has put together this collection of Justice Rehnquist’s First Amendment related opinions.

In the Wall Street Journal and covered on the Volokh Conspiracy, Randy Barnett asks, “Will The ‘New Federalism’ Survive the New Court?”

Here is BeldarBlog on Roe, Senator Specter and “superprecedents.”

Underneath Their Robes has this commentary on Justice Rehnquist’s funeral proceedings.

Election Law Blog has this tidbit on Justice Blackmun and judicially unmanageable standards for election rules.

Posted in: Everything Else