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Blog Round-up – Tuesday, September 13th

On the confirmation hearings:

Here is Volokh on Roberts and Stare Decisis and Roberts’ opening statement.
Ann Althouse comments on the opening statement here.
Here is Underneath Their Robes on the lack of action during yesterday’s hearings.
Here is Election Law Blog on Roberts’ answers to Senator Kennedy’s questions on the Voting Rights Act.
Blogging on TPMCafe here are the opinions of Robert Gordon, Chancellor Kent Professor of Law and Legal History at Yale, and Jeff Berman, Western Regional Director of People for the American Way, on yesterday’s hearings.
Here is the Washington Post’s live coverage of the hearings.
Here is Dahlia Lithwick’s commentary on yesterday’s events.

In other news:

Here is Underneath Their Robes on recent changes in clerkship hiring at the Court.
Sentencing Law & Policy has this update on the Supreme Court and death penalty jurisprudence.
Guest blogging on Balkinization is Kermit Roosevelt with this piece on “Legitimacy and Activism in Constitutional Interpretation.”