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Blog Round-up – Thursday, September 15th

Yesterday Senator Kennedy continued to ask Judge Roberts his views on the Voting Rights Act. Here Rick Hasen comments on Roberts’ response.

The Election Law Blog also has this post on “Judge Roberts’ Non-Answer on McConnell (and Bush v. Gore).”

Tax Prof Blog has this post on Roberts and judicial humility.

ACSBlog has this entry on Judge Robert’s posturing on a right to privacy.

Underneath Their Robes has this colorful commentary on yesterday’s hearings.

Balkinization has this post on Roberts, precedent and abortion and this post on whether or not Judge Roberts believes the Constitution does not allow Congress to constrain the choices a President makes in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief.

Here is Ann Althouse’s take on yesterday’s hearings.

TPM Cafe has this post arguing that going by what he told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, Judge Roberts has never uttered a word in his legal career that was his own; He was always speaking as a government staff lawyer expressing the administration’s views, or as an advocate representing a client.

The Volokh Conspiracy is reporting that notwithstanding a promise to abide by a moratorium on taking the homes of the individual homeowners in Kelo, the New London Development Corp. has issued eviction notices to them and demanded the payment of rent. Also on Volokh is this post on yesterday’s pledge decision and confirmation politics.