Blog Round-up – Tuesday, August 16th

PrawfsBlawg has this entry on two new papers on the Solomon Amendment litigation (the litigation is known as the FAIR case, for Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights). The Solomon Amendment litigation is due to reach the Supreme Court this Term.

Sentencing Law & Policy ponders the next SCOTUS Blakely/Booker case.

According to Bob Bauer of More Soft Money Hard Law, the FEC has released the General Counsel’s proposed changes in the rules on “electioneering communications”: communications paid by corporations and unions that, because they refer to a federal candidate, cannot be aired within 30 days of a primary and 60 days of a general election. This is another in a series of adjustments to the Shays v. FEC litigation that followed up on the BCRA litigation.

This week in the Legal Affairs Debate Club, Orin Kerr, Associate Professor of Law at the George Washington University Law School debates Susan Brenner, Professor of Law at the University of Dayton Law School. The topic is how the Fourth Amendment applies in a digital world. Professor Kerr argues that it is only matter of time before the Supreme Court has to decide decide how and when and the police can search a computer.

Posted in: Everything Else