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Blog Round-up – Monday, August 1st

Here the Legal Affairs Debate Club debates the question, “How Important is Habeas?” Participating is Ted Frank, Resident Fellow and Director of the American Enterprise Institute Liability Project and David Bruck, Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Virginia Capital Case Clearinghouse at Washington and Lee University.

Supreme Court Extra has this post on affirmative action, Judge Roberts and Justice Kennedy and this post on the merits of a Justice who writes his or her own opinions.

Here is Sentencing Law & Policy discussing Oregon Judge Michael Marcus’s proposal to reform sentencing priorities post-Blakely.

Professors Richard Epstein and Erwin Chemerinsky debate the Roberts nomination here on LiveCurrent.

On the Volokh Conspiracy Puzzleblogger Kevan Choset asks, “What do Justice Brennan, Human Rights Campaign founder James Hormel, and John Bolton have in common?”

TPM Cafe discusses whether Judge Roberts is really worth fighting about.

Finally, here is a post from Ann Althouse on electing Supreme Court Justices.