Transcripts, Orders, Opinions, Arguments

on Apr 15, 2005 at 9:47 pm
All of the transcripts from late-March arguments, other than Wilkinson v. Austin, are now available here, incluidng the transcripts from Cutter, Medellin and Grokster.
The Court will issue an Order List on Monday, and opinions in one or more argued cases on Tuesday.
The Hearing List for the eleven arguments in April can be found here. The final argument of the year, No. 04-368, Arthur Andersen LLP v. United States, has the potential to be the most interesting of the session. It involves a conviction of Arthur Andersen based on the accounting firm’s widespread document destruction in connection with the Enron scandal. This sentence from the SG’s Summary of Argument gives some flavor of the government’s characterization of the case: “Petitioner portrays its document-destruction campaign, in the face of a looming SEC investigation, as wholly legitimate conduct (Br. 20-24)—as if American corporations routinely find it proper to instruct their employees to lay waste to vast troves of documents when a government investigation is viewed as highly probable.” The argument will feature two of the finest SCOTUS oral advocates, Maureen Mahoney and Michael Dreeben.