D.C. Circuit delays Hamdan hearing

on Mar 3, 2005 at 1:37 pm
The hearing in the D.C. Circuit on the constitutionality of the military tribunals set up to try war crimes charges against terrorism suspects has been postponed. The case, Rumsfeld v. Hamdan (docket 04-5393), is expected to go ultimately to the Supreme Court, but very likely not during the current Term.
The hearing, originally set for next Tuesday, has been rescheduled for Thursday, April 7, due to the grave illness of the father of Neal Katyal, counsel for Salim Ahmed Hamdan. In an e-mail to SCOTUSblog, Professor Katyal has written: “I am overwhelmed by the humanness of the government and the court in this matter.”
The hearing will be before Circuit Judges A. Raymond Randolph and John Roberts and Senior Circuit Judge Stephen F. Williams.
The rescheduling order can be found here. Requires Pacer access.