
on Jun 28, 2007 at 7:04 pm
I wanted to put up a quick post to note that, according to Statcounter, in just a little bit we will for the first time surpass 100,000 hits in a day, and we’re on track to have our first week of 250,000. (That number excludes opinion downloads, which we moved to another server for the day to speed up the blog’s responsiveness.) We’re exceptionally grateful for the very generous links we’ve gotten from too many great sites to mention, but which include (to name just a few) How Appealing, Volokh, Daily Kos, and Slate.
Also critical has been the work of the SCOTUSblog team at getting great content up quickly. From 10 to 10:45 this morning as the cases were decided, we had a six-person editorial conference call to coordinate our coverage — definitely a first for us. Like so many blogs, we try very hard to provide timely and thoughtful information in our little corner of the world.
We now have the equivalent of almost four full-time employees. Lyle is of course our unparalleled reporter; the best in the business. Amy manages the site and writes as well. Jason does thousands of things. He is now joined by Ben Winograd. Gretchen, at Amy’s firm, does round-ups and organizes the discussion boards. We have Adam Chandler as a terrific summer intern. David Stras has covered numerous issues, and added a terrific academic viewpoint. And outside contributors have given us lots of great posts in their areas of specialty from diverse perspectives, including the great pieces coming in now on the race cases.
Amy and I remember how excited we were to get 100 hits in a day (all of them thanks to Howard Bashman) when we started SCOTUSblog five years (and several versions of the blog) ago. We’re gearing up for another substantial upgrade to the blog and its technology over the summer, and hope that we’ll see you again. We’re very grateful.