Monday round-up

on Dec 23, 2013 at 8:00 am
- As 2013 draws to a close, Michael Kirkland of UPI looks back at some of the major cases argued so far this Term and then looks ahead at the high-profile cases already on the Court’s docket for 2014. He warns readers to “fasten your Supreme Court seatbelt, bumpy ride ahead.”
- ACSblog’s series of posts on Harris v. Quinn, in which the Court will consider whether a group of home health care workers funded by Medicaid are state employees and therefore required to pay their “fair share” of the costs of union representation, continues with a guest post from Ann Hodges, who argues that the case “has the potential to knock out one of the pillars under the carefully balanced labor law system in the United States. If it does so, the long term impact is uncertain.”
- The Federal Evidence Review concludes that “[i]t is not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ the Supreme Court will reconsider the application of the Confrontation Clause to expert testimony that is based on statements of others who do not testify.”
The round-up will take a short break, resuming on December 26. Happy holidays, and please remember that the best gift you can get your friendly round-up team is a link to articles and posts on the Court!