Justices to London, change in calendar
on Jul 1, 2009 at 5:12 pm
The Supreme Court said Wednesday that a number of the Justices will go to London in October to attend opening ceremonies for the newly established Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. (A Wikipedia entry on that new Court can be found here.) As a result of the Justices’ trip, the sitting calendar for October will be modified slightly.
The Justices’ private Conference that normally would have been held on Friday, Oct. 16, will be held instead on Monday, Oct. 19, the Court said. Before the Conference that day, the Justices will be on the bench at 10 a.m. to admit lawyers to its Bar; no oral arguments will be scheduled that day. Orders resulting from that Conference will be released on Tuesday, Oct. 20, at 10 a.m.; the Court will not be on the bench that day.
These changes are reflected in the Court’s color-coded calendar for the full Term that opens on Monday, Oct. 5, showing dates of its sittings and its Conferences. It can be downloaded here.
The Court has not yet completed its calendar for oral arguments that it will hear in the first session, Oct 5-14.