February arguments, day by day

on Nov 30, 2009 at 11:47 am
The Supreme Court on Monday released the schedule of oral arguments for the session beginning Monday, Feb. 22. The major case on the Second Amendment’s application to state and local gun control laws is now set for 10 a.m. on Tuesday, March 2. The war-on-terrorism cases, testing the constitutionality of a key law used against persons or groups linked to terroist groups, is set for 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 23. All sessions in this sitting will be in the mornings only.
Here is the schedule, day by day, with a summary of the issues involved:
Mon., Feb. 22:
Astrue v. Ratliff (08-1322) — offset of attorney fee award against U.S. government to cover a debt to the government
Lewis v. Chicago (08-974) — deadline for discrimination claim against employment test
Tues., Feb. 23:
Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project (08-1498) and Humanitarian Law Project v. Holder (09-89)Â — constitutionality of “material support” statute when applied to non-criminal activity (cases consolidated for 1 hour of argument(
U.S. v. O’Brien (08-1569) — jury and judge role in determining type of gun used as basis for mandatory minimum criminal sentence
Wed., Feb. 24:
Carr v. U.S. (08-1301) — retroactive effect of federal law requiring sex offender to register
U.S. v. Marcus (08-1341) — validity of conviction based in part on conduct before law was enacted
Mon., March 1:
Berghuis v. Thompkins (08-1470) — police authority to seek suspect’s cooperation after Miranda warnings were given
Holland v. Florida (09-5327) — extended time to file habeas plea due to defense lawyer’s negligence in capital case
Tues., March 2:
McDonald v. Chicago (08-1521) — extension of Second Amendment rights to state and local government laws regulating guns
Hui v. Castaneda (08-1529) — immunity to damage lawsuits for doctors and nurses in federal medical facilities
Wed., March 3:
Samantar v. Yousuf (08-1555) — liability in U.S. court of foreign government official for wrongs done overseas
Health Care Service Corp. v. Pollitt (09-38) — preemption of state court lawsuits over loss of benefits to federal government employee