Briefing schedule for same-sex marriage cases

on Jan 22, 2013 at 4:12 pm
On March 26 and 27, the Court will hear oral argument in the same-sex marriage cases, Hollingsworth v. Perry (the challenge to California’s Proposition 8) and United States v. Windsor (the challenge to Section 3 of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)). The first briefs in the cases will be filed today. Here is the complete briefing and argument schedule for the two cases:
January 22 (Tuesday) — Brief on the merits (in support of DOMA Section 3) of the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group of the House of Representatives (BLAG) in Windsor
January 22 (Tuesday) — Proponents’ brief on the merits (in support of Proposition 8) and on the Article III question (in support of standing) in Perry
January 24 (Thursday) — Brief of Court-appointed amicus Vicki Jackson on the Article III questions (against the Court’s jurisdiction and against BLAG standing) in Windsor
January 29 (Tuesday) — Amicus briefs in support of BLAG on the merits (in support of DOMA Section 3) in Windsor
January 29 (Tuesday) — Amicus briefs in support of proponents on the merits (in support of Proposition 8) and/or on the Article III question (in support of proponents’ standing to appeal) in Perry
January 31 (Thursday) — Amicus briefs in support of Court-appointed amicus Vicki Jackson on either or both Article III questions (against Court jurisdiction and/or against BLAG standing) in Windsor
February 21 (Thursday) — Respondents’ briefs on the merits (against Proposition 8) and on the Article III question (presumably against proponents’ standing to appeal) in Perry
February 22 (Friday) — Brief of the United States on the merits (against the constitutionality of DOMA Section 3) in Windsor
February 22 (Friday) — Briefs of Edith Windsor, the United States and BLAG on the Article III questions in Windsor
February 26 (Tuesday) — Brief of Edith Windsor on the merits (against the constitutionality of DOMA Section 3) in Windsor
February 28 (Thursday) — Amicus briefs in support of the respondents on the merits (against Proposition 8) and/or on the Article III question (against the proponents’ standing) in Perry
March 1 (Friday) — Amicus briefs in favor of jurisdiction/standing on either or both Article III questions in Windsor
March 1 (Friday) — Amicus briefs in support of Edith Windsor and the United States on the merits (against the constitutionality of DOMA Section 3) in Windsor
March 19 (Tuesday) — Proponents’ reply brief on the merits (in support of Proposition 8) and on the Article III question (in favor of standing) in Perry
March 20 (Wednesday) — BLAG reply brief on the merits (in support of DOMA Section 3) in Windsor
March 20 (Wednesday) — Reply briefs of the United States, Edith Windsor, BLAG, and Court-appointed amicus Jackson on the Article III questions in Windsor
March 26 (Tuesday) — Oral argument(s) in Perry
March 27 (Wednesday) — Oral argument(s) in Windsor