Friday round-up
on Feb 16, 2018 at 5:30 am
- For the New Republic, Matt Ford suggests that by agreeing to review Gonzalez-Badillo v. United States, in which the petitioner argues that under the Fourth Amendment, “[h]is general acquiescence to a search of his bag … did not extend to the destruction of his personal property,” the court could “bring greater clarity to one’s constitutional rights during a consensual search.”
- Constitution Daily reports that yesterday was the anniversary of the signing in 1879 of “a new law that would admit women as members of the Supreme Court bar and allow them to submit and argue cases at the high court.”
- At Reuters’ On the Case blog, Alison Frankel explains why the Trump administration’s request to hear a challenge to a district-court order blocking the administration’s attempt to unwind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program before the court of appeals has ruled on the issue may be more of a long shot after the issuance this week of “a second nationwide injunction barring rescission of the DACA program.”
- In an op-ed at The Hill, Anne O’Connor weighs in on National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra, a First Amendment challenge by crisis-pregnancy centers to a California law requiring disclosures about the availability of publicly funded family-planning services, arguing that the Supreme Court should “take this opportunity to ensure that government cannot compel anyone to speak a message that violates their reason for being — especially when fundamental First Amendment rights are at stake.”
- In an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times, Richard Hasen finds “something disconcerting about Supreme Court justices becoming political rock stars, particularly in this polarized era,” and suggests that “[m]aybe, just maybe, the left should tone it down with the worship of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg — a.k.a. ‘Notorious R.B.G.’”
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