OT2017 #6: “Year of Munsingwear”

on Nov 13, 2017 at 7:05 am
The Supreme Court’s November sitting might be finished, but we’re still going. Ian returns to wrap up by recapping last week’s arguments with Dan. But first, there’s the matter of a very unusual certiorari petition that the Department of Justice filed in a hot-button case that involves both abortion and undocumented immigrants. Even more exciting, we review the first opinions of the still young term. We then stumble blindly through the argument recap in Merit Management Group v. FTI Consulting without the help of our bankruptcy expert. We also recap the argument in the fascinating separation-of-powers case Patchak v. Zinke, learning along the way that Chief Justice John Roberts does occasionally have some use for law professors. And as always, we offer our fearless First Mondays forecasts.