Monday round-up

on Jul 25, 2016 at 6:06 am
At his eponymous blog, Lyle Denniston reports that last week the Obama administration “launched a nationwide plea for advice — technical, practical, legal and even religious — on ways to settle the bitter controversy over the Affordable Care Act’s birth-control mandate,” and he suggests that these latest developments “appeared to be a sign that private talks with religious groups over the issue have not reached a solution.” And at Federal Regulations Advisor, Leland Beck discusses the request for information published by three federal agencies as part of the efforts to end the dispute, as well as the government’s request that the Court rehear the challenge to the Obama administration’s immigration policy when it has all nine members.
- In The Washington Post, Rachel Weiner reports that federal prosecutors in Virginia “want an additional month to respond to the Supreme Court decision overturning former governor Robert F. McDonnell’s corruption conviction.”
- At Maryland Appellate Blog, Steve Klepper predicts that, if Hillary Clinton wins the 2016 presidential election, “the most important legacy of the Trump nomination could be Justice Kennedy willingly retiring during a Democratic administration.”
- Robin Bravender reports for Greenwire that disputes “between landowners and government regulators could be the center of environmental action in the Supreme Court’s next term.”
- At Above the Law, Joe Patrice reports on a recent panel on the Court, suggesting that, even if “there’s a burgeoning progressive argument against making every election boil down to the Supreme Court,” there is also “an equal and opposite mixture of practical fear and Court reverence alive and well on the Left.”
- In his column for Bloomberg View, Noah Feldman looks at how the Eleventh Circuit is handling requests by prisoners seeking relief under the Court’s 2015 decision striking down as unconstitutional a provision of the Armed Career Criminal Act; he contends that the “upshot is that something very like a travesty of justice is happening in the Eleventh Circuit.”
- At Empirical SCOTUS, Adam Feldman looks at the role of Supreme Court specialists in the upcoming Term.
Remember, we rely exclusively on our readers to send us links for our round-up. If you have or know of a recent (published in the last two or three days) article, post, or op-ed relating to the Court that you’d like us to consider for inclusion in the round-up, please send it to roundup [at]