Monday round-up

on Oct 26, 2015 at 6:46 am
With the November sitting still a week away, the Justices are traveling outside Washington, D.C. Justice Sonia Sotomayor visited Pomona College in California; the college summarized her visit, with video available via YouTube. And Justice Anthony Kennedy visited Harvard Law School, where he “disparaged the American criminal justice system on Thursday for the three prison scourges of long sentences, solitary confinement, and overcrowding”; Liz Mineo reported on the visit for Harvard Law Today.
- Mark Sherman of the Associated Press reports on a new cert. petition being filed at the Court, which asks the Justices to weigh in on whether the Affordable Care Act “violates the provision of the Constitution that requires tax-raising bills to originate in the House of Representatives.”
- In USA Today, Richard Wolf observes that, of “all the reasons why the high court will loom large in the presidential election — from a docket brimming with hot-button issues to intensive lobbying campaigns on the right and left — none looms as large as simple arithmetic and actuarial tables.”
- Lawrence Hurley of Reuters reports that “[p]olitical divisions over a U.S. Supreme Court case that could diminish the influence of public sector unions have prompted an unusual spat between top elected officials in Illinois that is playing out on the court’s docket.”
- At The Narrowest Grounds, Asher Steinberg discusses his earlier post on Lockhart v. United States, concluding that he “still think[s] the government’s surplusage argument is pretty silly, but I’m no longer so sure the government’s reading creates an absurd amount of surplusage.”
- At the Knowledge Center, Lisa Soronen discusses cases granted from the Justices’ Long Conference that could affect either specific states or states more generally.
If you have or know of a recent (published in the last two or three days) article, post, or op-ed relating to the Court that you’d like us to consider for inclusion in the round-up, please send it to roundup [at]