Menu of today’s content: Same-sex marriage

on Jun 26, 2015 at 11:16 pm
This morning the Court issued opinions in Johnson v. United States, holding that increasing sentences under the residual clause of the Armed Career Criminal Act violates the Constitution, and Obergefell v. Hodges, holding that states must allow same-sex couples to marry.
Lyle reported on the decision in Obergefell and Amy covered it in “Plain English.” Andrew provided a round-up of other news coverage. Mark reported on the scene inside the Courtroom.
Rory Little will report on the decision in Johnson.
We are also hosting a “snap” symposium on Obergefell. When a contributor’s name is highlighted, his or her post has been published.
- Ryan Anderson – The Heritage Foundation
- Erwin Chemerinsky – University of California, Irvine
- Mike Dorf – Cornell University
- Kyle Duncan – Duncan PLLC and counsel to amici supporting respondents
- Chris Green – University of Mississippi
- Steve Sanders – Indiana University
- Judith Schaeffer – Constitutional Accountability Center
- Gene Schaerr – Law offices of Gene Schaerr and counsel to amici supporting the respondents
- Paul Smith – Jenner & Block
- David Upham – University of Dallas
Yesterday the Justices met for their June 25 Conference. Our list of “Petitions to watch” is here and Anticlimax Watch (nee Relist Watch) is here.