Event announcements

on Apr 9, 2015 at 5:26 pm
The Washington College of Law will host two events later this month:
- On April 16 at 11 a.m., Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh will discuss his report on same-sex marriage in the United States with Jamie Raskin.
- On April 20 at 5 p.m., moderator Steve Vladeck will be joined by panelists Lise Beske, Tom Goldstein, Rakesh Kilaru, Amanda Leiter, and Judge Sri Srinivasan for “An insider’s look” at the Supreme Court, including the role played by the Justices’ clerks and how lawyers prepare their briefs and arguments.
Registration is free but required for both events.
On April 24 at 4 p.m., the International Municipal Lawyers Association will host a panel on the current Term as part of its Mid-Year Seminar Program. Moderator Lisa Soronen will be joined by panelists Paul Clement, Shay Dvoretzky, and Gregory Garre. The cost to attend the discussion (separate from the whole program) is $75. If interested, contact info@imla.org