Monday round-up

on Jan 5, 2015 at 6:37 am
Challenges to state bans on same-sex marriage – some of which the Justices are scheduled to consider at their Conference on Friday – dominate Court-related news. Kimberlee Kruesi of the Associated Press (via the Huffington Post) reports that “Idaho’s governor and attorney general have filed separate petitions to the U.S. Supreme Court, fighting against gay marriage and arguing that the state’s case has national consequences.” And at the Huffington Post, Steve Sanders urges the Court to take up the issue of same-sex marriage, arguing that “denial of marriage equality is a national problem, not a state-level problem, and it requires a national resolution that only our nation’s constitutional court can provide.”
- In The Boston Globe, Jessica Meyers reports on another cert. petition slated for consideration at Friday’s Conference, involving a challenge to a pair of ordinances enacted by a Massachusetts city that restricts “aggressive begging.”
- At The Hill, Hayato Watanable argues that “it’s time we had an Asian-Pacific American on the Supreme Court.”
- The Des Moines Register reports that Senator Charles Grassley “is again encouraging the U.S. Supreme Court to add cameras in the courtroom.”
- At ImmigrationProf Blog, Nancy Morowetz discusses (and criticizes) the federal government’s argument in Mellouli v. Holder, an immigration case in which the Court will hear oral argument later this month. (Kevin Johnson previewed the case for us last week.)
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