Tuesday round-up
on Sep 23, 2014 at 8:16 am
In six days, the Justices will convene for the first private Conference since late June. Among the petitions scheduled for consideration at the September 29 Conference are the seven petitions arising out of challenges to state bans on same-sex marriage. In The New York Times, Adam Liptak looks at efforts by different lawyers involved in the cases to portray their case as the one best suited for the Court’s review; he observes that “[t]he jockeying among the titans of the Supreme Court bar for a place at the lectern when the justices hear the next same-sex marriage case is as understated as it is unmistakable.” Lisa Keen considers similar questions in a post at the Keen News Service, adding that – based on recent comments by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg – although the Justices will have seven cases before them, they “may not choose any of those seven for review.”
- The American Constitution Society recently hosted a preview (video here) of the October Term 2014, featuring (among others) Marty Lederman, who also sometimes contributes to this blog.
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