New or forthcoming books on the Supreme Court & other related materials

on Jul 25, 2014 at 2:20 pm
There has never been a shortage of books on the Supreme Court, and that tradition continues as evidenced by fifteen new or forthcoming works. The new books cover a range of topics, from a critique of the current Court to an examination of the Court’s monetary decisions to books on how the traditional and electronic media cover the Court’s work.
If you missed it the first time around, you might be interested to know that H.N. Hirsh’s The Enigma of Felix Frankfurter (1981) has been reprinted in paperback and on Kindles by Quid Pro Books.
Speaking of Supreme Court Justices, Dan Ernst notes at the Legal History blog that Justice Hugo Black’s papers are available in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress. A listing of the documents is available online. (We posted more information about access to the Justices’ papers last summer.) And on a related front, the papers of Mark W. Cannon, the former administrative assistant to the late Chief Justice Warren Burger, are available at the Harold B. Lee Library at Brigham Young University.
With that all said, here are fifteen new or forthcoming works on the Supreme Court:
- Erwin Chemerinsky, The Case Against the Supreme Court
- Richard Davis, Covering the United States Supreme Court in the Digital Age
- Garrett Epps, American Justice 2014: Nine Clashing Visions on the Supreme Court
- Lewis L. Gould, Chief Executive to Chief Justice: Taft betwixt the White House and Supreme Court
- Michael Greve, Thomas Hazlett & Todd J. Zywicki , eds., Supreme Court Economic Review (vol. 22)
- Simona Grossi, The U.S. Supreme Court and the Modern Common Law Approach
- Kermit Hall, Judicial Review and Judicial Power in the Supreme Court: The Supreme Court in American Society
- Kermit L. Hall, The Least Dangerous Branch: Separation of Powers and Court-Packing: The Supreme Court in American Society
- Dennis Hutchinson, David Strauss & Geoffrey Stone, eds., The Supreme Court Review
- Ian Millhiser, Injustices: Why the Supreme Court is, and Always has been, America’s Most Dangerous Institution
- Richard Pacelle, The Supreme Court in a Separation of Powers System: The Nation’s Balance Wheel
- Christopher Roberts, Foreign Law?: Congress v. the Supreme Court
- Damon Root, Overruled: The Long War for Control of the U.S. Supreme Court
- Rorie L. Solberg & Eric N. Waltenburg, The Media, the Court, and the Misrepresentation: The New Myth of the Court
- Richard H. Timberlake, Constitutional Money: A Review of the Supreme Court’s Monetary Decisions