New certiorari grants (will be updated on an ongoing basis)

on Jul 1, 2014 at 9:31 am
The Court has granted certiorari in the following cases:
12-1226, Young v. UPS
12-1497, KBR v. United States ex rel. Carter
13-271, OneOk v. Learjet
13-352, B&B Hardware v. Hargis Indus.
13-502, Reed v. Town of Gilbert (case page forthcoming)
13-553, Alabama Department of Revenue v. CSX Transp. (w/ add’l question suggested by the SG)
13-935, Wellness International Network v. Sharif (limited to Questions 1 & 3)
13-1032, Direct Marketing Ass’n v. Brohl
The Court denies three follow-on cases to Hobby Lobby. Others are remanded to the courts of appeals.
The Court denies review of one Noel Canning sequel, and a remand in another.
A per curiam ruling: Williams v. Johnson — the Court reverses the Ninth Circuit and remands forth for consideration of the petitioner’s Sixth Amendment claim.