Symposium announcement: Contraceptive mandate cases

on Feb 17, 2014 at 10:14 am
On March 25, the Justices will hear oral arguments in Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. and Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. v. Sebelius, in which for-profit corporations owned by religiously devout families are challenging the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that employers provide their female employees with health insurance that includes access to birth control. We are pleased to announce that, beginning on February 18, the blog will be hosting an online symposium featuring a range of views on the issues and possible outcomes in these cases. Our scheduled contributors include:
- John Bursch – Warner Norcross and Judd, LLP
- Mike Dorf – Cornell University Law School
- Richard Garnett – University of Notre Dame Law School
- Jessie Hill – Case Western Reserve University School of Law
- Douglas Laycock – University of Virginia School of Law
- Martin Lederman – Georgetown University Law Center
- Ira Lupu and Robert Tuttle – George Washington University Law School
- Ilya Shapiro – Cato Institute
- Mailee Smith – Americans United for Life
- Elizabeth Wydra – Constitutional Accountability Center