Monday round-up

on Jun 3, 2013 at 9:17 am
- MSNBC’s Geoffrey Cowley previews the Court’s upcoming decision in Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, in which the Justices are considering whether human genes are patentable. Cowley observes that two of the Court’s recent decisions, in Bowman v. Monsanto Co. and Mayo Collaborative Services v. Prometheus Laboratories, Inc., may offer insight into how the Court will resolve the case, and he notes that although a ruling against Myriad could invalidate four thousand other gene patents, it would also broaden the quest for medical knowledge.
- At the blog of the National Constitution Center, David Gans and Doug Kendall argue that the Court’s upcoming decisions in high-profile cases like affirmative action and same-sex marriage should be judged on whether they can be squared with what they describe as the core principles at the heart of the Fourteenth Amendment.
- Linda Greenhouse of The New York Timesdiscusses the impact of the Court’s absence in the national dialogue about Guantánamo, contending that the Court’s silence “has played and continues to play a part that shouldn’t be overlooked as discussion resumes about the future of the island prison.”
- Writing for Cato At Liberty, Walter Olson previews Sears, Roebuck and Co. v. Butler, a class action lawsuit against manufacturers of environmentally friendly front-loading washing machines on which the Justices could act as early as today.
- UPI’s Michael Kirkland previews Ralphs Grocery Co. v. United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 8, a recent cert. petition that asks the Court to decide whether states can protect the right of unions to picket on private property even when a business owner, the property owner, doesn’t want them there; the Justices are scheduled to consider the case at their June 6 Conference.
- At Jost on Justice, Kenneth Jost has an overview of some of the high-profile cases that the Justices are expected to decide by end of this month.