Menu of today’s coverage | June 25 (Updated: 10:39)

on Jun 25, 2013 at 10:40 pm
This morning the Court issued three opinions. We expect opinions again tomorrow at 10 a.m. ET. We will be live blogging beginning at 9.
A transcript of today’s live blog is here.
Coverage from around the Court:
- New 7:48 Fabrizio di Piazza has a video of advocates responding to the decision in Shelby Co.
- Mark Walsh reports on the atmosphere in the courtroom this morning.
Coverage of the decision in Shelby County v. Holder:
- Amy reports on the decision “In Plain English“
- Lyle’s report on the decision is here.
- New 10:40 Justin Levitt, Ilya Shapiro, Rick Hasen, Ellen Katz, Jeffrey Harris and Richard Pildes have posted commentary as part of our online symposium about the decision.
- Amy also had an initial “In Plain English” report.
- Dan Stein has collected reactions to the decision in Shelby Co. from the Twitterverse.
Coverage of today’s other decisions:
- Mike has initial coverage of Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl.
- Tejinder has initial coverage of Koontz v. St. Johns River Water Management Dist.
Coverage of yesterday’s decisions:
- We have new additions to our symposium on the decision in Fisher from Melissa Hart and David Bernstein.
- Sarah Erickson-Muschko has a round-up of news coverage from yesterday.
- We also have a podcast discussing yesterday’s orders and opinions.
Chief Justice Roberts announces the opinion in Shelby County v Holder, 12-96 (Art Lien)