Thursday round-up

on May 9, 2013 at 8:52 am
We have changed our round-up format! In an effort to simplify the process for our round-up team, going forward we will only include in the round-up news articles and posts that are submitted to us. If you have (or know of) an article or post that you would like to have included in the round-up, please send a link to roundup [at] so that we can consider it.
- Earlier this week the Republican National Committee filed its brief in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, asking the Court to strike down limits on direct donations to political campaigns. Lyle reports on the brief (as well as that of Alabama businessman Shaun McCutcheon) for this blog, with further coverage coming from The Hill‘s Sam Baker.
- Richard Wolf of USA Today reports that the Court “may be on the verge of declaring victory in the fight against racial discrimination,” with rulings expected in the next few weeks on the constitutionality of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act (in Shelby County v. Holder) and race-based affirmative action (in Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin). [Disclosure: Goldstein & Russell, P.C., whose attorneys work for or contribute to this blog in various capacities, represented the American Association of Law Schools as amicus curiae in Fisher, and is among the counsel to Representative F. James Sensenbrenner et al., who filed an amicus brief in support of the respondent in Shelby County.]
- For this blog, Alan Morrison discusses upcoming changes to the Court’s rules, which will take effect on July 1.
- Jason D. Antos of The Queens Gazette reports on Justice Scalia’s childhood in Elmhurst.