Updated: Amicus briefs in support of the Proposition 8 respondents and DOMA respondent Edith Windsor

on Mar 1, 2013 at 10:37 am
We hope to have a complete set of the amicus briefs that have been filed in support of the respondents in Hollingsworth v. Perry and respondent Edith Windsor in United States v. Windsor posted on the case pages soon. Until then, here are the briefs we have collected thus far. If you have filed a brief and don’t see it here, we would be glad to add it if you email us an electronic copy or link.
Proposition 8 (12-144):
Brief for the State of California
Brief for Massachusetts et al.
Brief for William Eskridge Jr. et al.
Brief for the California Teachers Association
Brief for the American Humanist Association
Brief for International Human Rights Advocates
Brief for California Professors of Family Law
Brief for Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom et al.
Brief for the Southern Poverty Law Center
Brief for NFL Players Chris Kluwe and Brendon Ayanbadejo
Brief for the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights et al.
Brief for Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians & Gays (PFLAG)
Brief for Foreign and Comparative Law Experts
Brief for Garden State Equality
Brief for the Anti-Defamation League
Brief for Edward D. Stein et al.
Brief for GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality
Brief for Bishops of the Episcopal Church of California et al.
Brief for the Cato Institute and the Constitutional Accountability Center
Brief for Columbia Law School Sexuality and Gender Law Clinic
Brief for the American Psychological Association et al.
Brief for Survivors of Sexual Orientation Changes Therapies
Brief for Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund
Brief for the National Center for Lesbian Rights
DOMA (12-307):
Brief for 172 Members of the House of Representatives and 40 Senators
Brief for former Senator Bill Bradley et al.
Brief for Bishops of the Episcopal Church of California et al.
Brief for the Cato Institute and the Constitutional Accountability Center
Brief for Gary J. Gates
Brief for the National Women’s Law Center et al.
Brief for Survivors of Sexual Orientation Changes Therapies
Brief for Scholars of the Constitutional Rights of Children
Brief for the American Bar Association
Brief for the American Psychological Association
Brief for Constitutional Law Scholars
Brief for Nan Hunter, Suzanne Goldberg et al.
Brief for Former Cabinet Secretaries et al.
Brief for Former DOJ Officials
Brief for Federalism Scholars
Briefs for Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
Brief for the Center for Fair Administration for Taxes
Both Proposition 8 and DOMA
Brief for the American Jewish Committee
Brief for the Utah Pride Center et al.
Brief for Constitutional Law Scholars
Brief for the Family Equality Council et al.
Brief for the American Sociological Association
[Disclosure: Tejinder Singh of the law firm Goldstein & Russell, P.C., whose attorneys work for or contribute to this blog in various capacities, was among the counsel on an amicus brief filed by international human rights advocates in support of the respondents in Hollingsworth v. Perry. Kevin Russell, also of Goldstein & Russell, filed an amicus brief on behalf of former senators in support of the respondents in United States v. Windsor.]