January arguments, day by day

on Oct 31, 2012 at 12:49 pm
The Supreme Court on Wednesday released the schedule of cases to be argued in the two-week sitting that begins on January 7. There will be no afternoon arguments. Arguments begin at 10 a.m. and are for one hour each. Following the jump, the cases are listed day by day, with a brief description of the issues.
Mon., January 7:
11-9540 — Descamps v. United States — federal court power to enhance a sentence for a federal gun crime by broadly interpreting a state burglary conviction
11-1450 — Standard Fire Insurance Co. v. Knowles — clarification of $5 million minimum claim amount for transferring a class-action case to federal court
Tues., January 8:
11-1274 — Gabelli v. Securities & Exchange Commission — definition of time limit for SEC to seek penalties for securities fraud
12-98 — Delia v. E.M.A. — state power to recover funds spent on medical care for the poor or disabled under federal Medicaid law, when the patient has received funds from another source
Wed., January 9:
11-1425 — Missouri v. McNeely — police authority to take a blood sample from a drunk-driving suspect, without consent or a warrant
12-25 — Maracich v. Spears — lawyers’ access to private driver’s license records for use in preparing lawsuits
Mon., January 14:
11-9335 — Alleyne v. United States — will the Court overrule Harris v. United States under Apprendi v. New Jersey, requiring juries — not judges — to find facts to support enhancing a criminal sentence
11-9953 — Boyer v. Louisiana — calculation of time for speedy trial right when a state delays in paying for counsel for an accused in a murder case (grant limited to Question 1)
Tues., January 15:
11-1351 — Levin v. United States — right to sue military medical personnel for “battery” while treating a civilian
11-1447 — Koontz v. St. Johns River Water Management Agency — “taking” of land if a government agency refuses to issue a use permit
Wed., January 16:
11-1545 and 11-1547 — City of Arlington v. Federal Communications Commission and Cable Telecommunications and Technology v. F.C.C. — whether Chevron deference is due a federal agency ruling on its own jurisdiction (cases consolidated for one hour of argument; grant limited to Question 1 as stated in 11-1545)
11-1118 — Gunn v. Minton — federal court authority to rule on legal malpractice under state law in a patent case