Upcoming events

on Sep 5, 2012 at 3:14 pm
With the first Monday in October less than a month away, several Court-related events are in the works:
- On September 6, the Federalist Society will host a teleforum with Adam J. White and Roger Pilon on Alexander Bickel’s The Least Dangerous Branch, the topic of one of our recent online symposia.
- On September 13, the National Law Journal and the Legal Times will host a review/preview event at George Washington University. Gregory Garre, Alan Morrison, Bert Rein, and Paul Smith will join moderator Tony Mauro for the panel discussion, which will begin at 3:30 p.m. Registration information and additional details are available via Cvent.
- On September 20 at 9:30 a.m., the Washington Legal Foundation will hold its annual briefing on the upcoming Term. Panelists will include Dan Himmelfarb and John Bellinger; the Honorable Dick Thornburgh will moderate.
- On September 25, the Environmental Law Institute and Harvard Law School will host an event at the law school on the Supreme Court and environmental law. Laurence Tribe, Richard Lazarus, and moderator John Cruden will discuss (among other things) this Term’s environmental cases and the implications of the Court’s decision in NFIB v. Sebelius for environmental law. Registration information and more details are available at ELI’s website; ELI and the law school are also making the panel discussion available via live teleconference and webcast.