Petitions to watch | Conference of September 24, 2012

on Sep 22, 2012 at 11:51 pm
On Monday, the Justices will formally be back at work and will hold a Conference at which they will select cases from the summer lists for review during the October 2012 Term. Our previous lists of “Petitions to Watch” for this Conference can be found here and here. The petitions distributed for the Court’s review at this Conference include such issues as the constitutionality of the federal Defense of Marriage Act, the patent exhaustion doctrine applied to patented seeds and self-replicating technologies, California’s definition of marriage and the Equal Protection Clause, reimbursement under the Medicare Secondary Payer Act, and class action lawsuits under the Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act.
This edition of “Petitions to watch” features petitions raising issues that Tom has determined to have a reasonable chance of being granted, although we post them here without consideration of whether they present appropriate vehicles in which to decide those issues.