Friday round-up

on Jul 27, 2012 at 9:48 am
Yesterday’s coverage of the Court focused on a C-SPAN interview with Justice Scalia. The interview will air Sunday evening, but several preview clips are currently available on YouTube. Tony Mauro has coverage for the Blog of Legal Times, as do Tal Kopan at Politico, Mark Sherman for the Associated Press, and Damon W. Root for Reason. And at the ABA Journal, Lee Rawles reports on (and links to an audio file of) Justice Scalia’s interview with the Journal’s Richard Brust.
Other coverage focuses on the Court’s recent health care decision. Alabama Solicitor General John Neiman recently gave a speech discussing the Justices’ constitutional philosophies and their impact on the case. Eric Velasco has coverage for the Birmingham News. (Thanks to Howard Bashman for the link.) Over at Balkinization, Joey Fishkin has a long post considering the implications of the Medicaid portion of the Court’s decision.
- In the latest installment of this blog’s “Made Simple” series, Lyle Denniston reports on Florida v. Jardines and Florida v. Harris, in which the Court will consider how the Fourth Amendment governs the use of sniffer dogs to detect illegal drugs.
- In the final post in this blog’s symposium on Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum, Eugene Kontorovich discusses directives issued by the Secretary of the Navy in the early nineteenth century to illustrate his argument that there has long been “a strong presumption against” universal jurisdiction.
- At The Crime Report, Scott Michels discusses the possible effects of Miller v. Alabama, in which the Court held that mandatory sentences of life without parole for juvenile criminals violate the Eighth Amendment, on sentencing for juveniles who were convicted before the Court’s ruling. (Thanks to Doug Berman for the link.)