Wednesday round-up

on Feb 15, 2012 at 11:28 am
Yesterday’s coverage of the Court continued to focus on the robbery at Justice Breyer’s vacation home (which Nabiha covered in yesterday’s round-up). Tony Mauro of the Blog of the Legal Times, Douglas A. Berman of Sentencing Law and Policy, Clive Bacchus of the Associated Press and CNN’s (video) Brian Todd all report on the robbery.
- At this blog, Kali posts the “Petitions to watch” for the Court’s February 24 Conference.
- As Lyle reports for this blog, the February argument list has been revised to reflect the dismissal of Magner v. Gallagher – a dismissal that the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal criticized yesterday (subscription required).
- At the Washington Legal Foundation’s The Legal Pulse, Glenn Lammi discusses the cert. petition filed recently in Bulldog Investors General Partnership v. Glavin, a challenge to SEC prohibitions on general solicitations and advertising.
- At ACSblog, Joseph Jerome discusses the states’ challenge to the expansion of Medicaid, one of the issues that the Court will consider in the health care arguments next month.
- At the Huffington Post, Jelena Hasbrouck suggests that if Perry v. Brown does reach the Court, Justice Kennedy “will . . . use the very text of the Constitution as a guide and ask if the government is giving preference to one group over another.”
- Writing for this blog, Tom Goldstein discusses whom the Obama Administration might nominate to the Court if President Obama is re-elected and a vacancy opens up on the Court.
- Debra Cassens Weiss at the ABA Journal and Abdon M. Pallasch at the Chicago Sun Times cover Justice Scalia’s recent visit to the University of Chicago Law School (which Nabiha covered yesterday).
- Ross E. Davies, Craig D. Rust, and Adam Aft have released their “Supreme Court Sluggers” trading card line-up, which may be downloaded on SSRN.
- At the Washingtonian magazine, Lawrence Hurly has a Q&A with Anthony Franze, an appellate lawyer and author of The Last Justice, a novel about the Supreme Court.
- Gwen Florio of the (Missoula, MT) Missoulian covers a speech given by U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy in which he predicted that the Montana Supreme Court decision affirming the state’s ban on independent corporate expenditures in the face of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, is “unlikely to stand.”