A Special Honor for the Blog

on Apr 28, 2010 at 11:40 am
I’m pleased to say that SCOTUSblog has been awarded the ABA’s Silver Gavel Award for fostering the American public’s understanding of the law and the legal system.  SCOTUSblog is the first blog ever to receive the honor.
The award was based on our content throughout 2009. Â (The beating heart of the blog, Lyle Denniston, made the judgment that it was best not to include his work, given his ongoing reporting on ABA briefs.)
We’re gratified and honored to be in the company of the authors, directors, and others who have won the Award.  And we certainly appreciate each of our readers as we continue to try and improve both the blog and the wiki.
The list of the 2010 Silver Gavel Award winners is available here.