Podcast with David Cecelski

on Feb 15, 2010 at 1:00 pm
Last Friday, I spoke with David Cecelski — an independent historian and author of Along Freedom Road: Hyde County, North Carolina, and the Fate of Black Schools in the South — about the unexpected impact of Brown v. Board of Education on African-American education and educational traditions in the South. This is the latest edition in our Race and the Court program.
Here is the link to the eighteen-minute podcast and a road map of highlights:
- 1:11—A brief overview of school desegregation, Brown, and the fate of African-American schools in the South.
- 4:22—A description of African-American educational traditions and how they were affected by integration.
- 7:44— School integration and its impact on teachers and principals from African-American schools.
- 9:00—A return to Plessy: In the aftermath of Brown, several states resisted the decision by re-investing in “separate but equal.”
- 11:56—Could the destruction of African-American schools have been predicted or avoided?
- 14:22–The role of HEW (the Department of Health, Education and Welfare) in integration.
- 16:17—Moving forward, what more can we learn about the short- and long-term impact of Brown on African-American education?
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